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Ветеринария для профессионалов

Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов профессионалитета 36.02.01 Ветеринария
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Содержатся тексты на английском языке, в которых освещаются общие сведения о земледелии, а также упражнения для закрепления речевых навыков. Предназначено для студентов профессионалитета 36.02.01 Ветеринария.
Тамочкина, О. А. Ветеринария для профессионалов : учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов профессионалитета 36.02.01 Ветеринария / О. А. Тамочкина, Е. Г. Шахнубарян. - Волгоград : ФГБОУ ВО Волгоградский ГАУ, 2023. - 204 с. - ISBN 978-5-4479-0362-6. - Текст : электронный. - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/2132356 (дата обращения: 02.06.2024). – Режим доступа: по подписке.
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Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации  

Департамент координации деятельности организаций  

в сфере сельскохозяйственных наук  

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение  

высшего образования  

«Волгоградский государственный аграрный университет»  


Кафедра «Иностранные языки» 


О. А. Тамочкина  
Е. Г. Шахнубарян  





Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов  

профессионалитета 36.02.01 Ветеринария  





Волгоградский ГАУ  



УДК 811.111.1 
ББК 81.2 Англ. 



доктор педагогических наук, доцент кафедры «Лингвистика и межкультурные 
коммуникации» ФГБОУ ВО ИАиС «Волгоградский государственный 
технический университет» И. В. Бганцева; кандидат филологических 
наук, доцент кафедры «Иноязычная коммуникация и 
лингводидактика» ФГАОУ ВО «Волгоградский государственный университет» 
А. В. Аржановская  


Тамочкина, Оксана Александровна 

Т-17    Ветеринария для профессионалов: учебное пособие по английскому 
языку для студентов профессионалитета 36.02.01 Ветеринария / 
О.А. Тамочкина, Е. Г. Шахнубарян. – Волгоград: ФГБОУ ВО 
Волгоградский ГАУ, 2023. – 204 с. 

ISBN 978-5-4479-0362-6 


Содержатся тексты на английском языке, в которых освещаются 

общие сведения о земледелии, а также упражнения для закрепления 
речевых навыков.  

Предназначено для студентов профессионалитета 36.02.01 Ве-



УДК 811.111.1 
ББК 81.2 Англ. 


Рекомендовано методической комиссией института непрерыв-

ного образования ФГБОУ ВО Волгоградский ГАУ (протокол от 1 октября 
2022 г.).  


ISBN 978-5-4479-0362-6 


 ФГБОУ ВО Волгоградский ГАУ, 2023  
 Тамочкина О. А., Шахнубарян Е. Г., 2023  
PART 1  



UNIT 1  



1. Find the meaning of the words in bold. 
2. Fill in the necessary information to make up a topic “About 


First of all let me introduce myself. My name is _____. My surname 

is _____. I am ___ years old. I was born in Volgograd. I live in Sovetskiy 
district. This year I have finished school number ___. The first thing I 
would tell you is my family, because it’s a place where I was born and so-
cialized. My family is not very big, just a typical family: Dad, Mom, me 
and my elder sister. My father’s name is ________. He is a teacher by edu-
cation and a businessman by profession. My mother’s name is _____. She 
is a housewife. My sister graduated from University, she is an engineer. I 
love my family very much. 

The second thing I would tell you about is the career I have chosen. 

This year I’ve entered Volgograd State Agrarian University, the faculty of 
_____. I’ve chosen this University, because studying at our University gives 
a solid background in all spheres of knowledge and prepares for practical 
work. I understand that it’s necessary to study a lot to become a good spe-
cialist. But now I don’t worry about finding a job. The most important thing 
for me now is to study well and to graduate from the University. 

My aim is _____, my dream is _____, because _____ . 
The third thing I would tell you about is my hobby and how I spend 

my free time. In my free time I like listening to music, meeting with my 
friends. Besides, I like to swim and play badminton. I am very interested in 
learning English because I always wanted to become a businesswoman. I 
also think, that the knowledge of foreign language helps in everyday life 
and career.  



1. Answer the questions. 
1. When did you graduate from the school? 
2. Did you like your school? Why? Why not? 
3. What subjects did you like? Why? 
4. Do you know when your school was founded? 
5. Do you know anything about the University? What do you know 

about it? 

2. Read the text: “My University” and put the sentences in the 

correct order to make the plan of the text: 
1. The faculties at the University. 
2. The traditions of the University. 
3. The opening of the University. 
4. The Pedagogical Staff. 
5. The students at the University. 
6. The History of the University. 
7. VSAU nowadays. 



Within the years of its existence the University has turned out over 

42 thousand of qualified specialists has trained hundreds of Candidates and 
Doctors of science, Readers and Professors. Our Higher Educational Insti-
tution is one of the biggest Agrarian Universities of the country at present. 

In July, 1944, Soviet of People's Commissars took a decision to оpen 

the Stalingrad Agricultural Institute in the town of Urupinsk. The contin-
gent of students admitted to the first course was 400 people. The opening 
of the Institute took place on October, 14th, 1944. 

In spring, 1948, the first graduates were turned out, 178 specialists 

were sent to the farms of the region and the country. The same year the Insti-
tute was transferred to Stalingrad. In spite of all the difficulties and econom-
ic dislocation, the Government managed to find necessary means for the 
construction of a new complex of buildings for the Institute in Stalingrad. 

In April 1994 the Institute was reorganized into the Volgograd State 

Agricultural Academy according to the decision of the Committee on 
Higher Schools of Russia. And in October 2011 the Academy was granted 
the status of the University.  

Today there are 8 faculties in Volgograd State Agrarian University: 
• Agritechnological Faculty; 
• Faculty of Biotechnology and Veterinary Medicine; 
• Faculty of Engineering and Technology; 
• Faculty of Ecology and Land-Improvement; 
• Faculty of Economics; 
• Faculty of Electrical Engineering; 
• Faculty of Technology of Production and Processing of Agricultur-

al Products; 

10 thousand students, both full-time and correspondence-course stu-

dents are studying at 8 faculties on 18 specialities. Besides, an educational-
methodological centre is functioning successfully where hundreds of grad-
uates from specialized secondary educational institutions are trained ac-
cording to the accelerated training program. 

The educational process is carried out at 49 Departments by 560 

teachers and scientists, including 3 Academicians of Russian Academy of 
Agricultural science, 6 deserved men of Science RF, 17 deserved workers in 
various branches of people’s economy, 65 Professors and over 250 Readers. 
At present almost 200 post graduates and over 100 competitors are 

studying at the post graduate courses.  

Nowadays the Volgograd State Agrarian University includes 7 edu-

cational buildings, 6 students’ hostels, 4 residential houses for Teachers, a 
canteen, a fleet of motor vehicles, “Gornaya Polyana” economic base. 
There is also a scientific research complex, post-graduate courses, infor-
mation and analytical center, centers of amateur art activities, center of 
pedagogical skills improvement, lecture rooms, laboratories, museums, a 
library, printing-works, and other subdivisions. 

The University is rich in good traditions but the most wonderful one 

is to create all the necessary conditions for students so that they could de-
velop their capabilities, expand their mental outlooks, improve their cultur-
al level, physical state and political education. 

3. Vocabulary: 
to turn out – выпускать 
a science – наука 
a Reader – доцент 
a Higher Educational Institution - ВУЗ 
Soviet of People’s Commissars – Совет народных комиссаров 
at present – в настоящее время 
a contingent – численность 
a graduate – выпускник 
to transfer – переводить 
an economic dislocation – экономический кризис 
means – средства 
to reorganize – реорганизовывать 
the Committee on Higher School – Комитет Высших Школ 
faculty of Engineering and Technology - инженерно- технологический 


faculty of Ecology and Land-Improvement - эколого - мелиоративный 


faculty of Technology of Production and Processing of Agricultural 

Products –факультет технологии производства и переработки с\х 

full-time student – студент очного отделения 
correspondence- course student – студент заочного отделения 
specialized secondary educational institution – средне-специальное 

учебное заведение 

to train – обучаться 
an education - methodological centre – учебно – методический центр 
an accelerated training program – ускоренная программа обучения 
to carry out – обеспечивать 
a department – кафедра 
deserved – заслуженный 
a post-graduate – аспирант 
a competitor – соискатель 
a post graduate course – аспирантура 
a hostel – общежитие 
a residential house – жилой дом 
a canteen – столовая 
a fleet of motor vehicles – автопарк 
a center of amateur art activities - центр художественной 


a centre of pedagogical skills - центр педагогического мастерства 
a printing-work – типография 
people’s economy – народное хозяйство 
a capability – возможность, способность 
mental outlooks – умственные способности 
to expand – расширять 

4. Fill in the missing words: 
Conditions, deserved, hostel, Higher Educational Institutions, sci-

ence, Readers, accelerated training program, postgraduate courses. 

a. There are a lot of Professors, Candidates and Doctors of … and … . 
b. They are trained according to the … . 
c. Many postgraduates are studying at the … . 
d. He is a … worker. 
e. I live in a students’ … . 
f. There are a lot of … in Volgograd. 
g. They live in very good … . 
5. Answer the questions: 
1. When and where was the opening of the VSAU? 
2. When was the Institute reorganized into University? 
3.How many faculties are there at the University? 
4. How many subdivisions does the University have? 
5. What do you know about the pedagogical staff? 
6. What does the University include nowadays? 
7. What do you know about the traditions in the VSAU? 


6. Translate the sentences into English. 
1. В нашем университете 8 факультетов. 
2. Численность студентов была более 5 тысяч человек. 
3. Мы нашли необходимые средства для поездки. 
4. В нашем университете есть студенты очного и заочного     


5. Он учился в средне - профессиональном заведении. 
6. В нашем университете есть научно - исследовательский ком-

плекс, лаборатория, типография, библиотека, столовая и другие подразделения. 


7. What do we call: 

The students that study by correspondence; the students of the day 

(evening) departments; all the professors, lectures and assistants of an insti-
tute; a course of study at a university; students who have just started studying 
at a university; the documents where the examiners register a student’s marks. 

8. Make up a short summary of the text (20-25 sentences). 



On March 1, 2013, the Institute of Continuing Education (ICE) be-

gan its work in the structure of Volgograd State Agrarian University. This 
is an innovative model that brings together different levels of education and 
allows to apply a continuous learning technology. 

The aim of ICE is the qualitative background of graduates of second-

ary vocational education (SVE) for their further training according to the 
higher education program in the shortened terms in the corresponding 
bachelor's and specialty training programs. It is achieved through the inte-
gration of secondary vocational and higher educational programs on the ba-
sis of continuity. 

The intake for training in educational programs of secondary voca-

tional education was first opened in 2012, at that time 138 graduates of the 
ninth and eleventh classes from all areas of the Volgograd region became 
the youngest students of our university. 

Currently, 16 specialties of secondary vocational education are func-


1. Applied Informatics (by specialisations) 
2. Rational use of nature management complexes 
3. Protection in emergency situations 
4. Fire safety 
5. Land management 
6. Agronomy 
7. Mechanization of agriculture 
8. Landscaping 
9. Cynology 
10. Veterinary Medicine 
11. Economics and accounting (by specialisations) 
12. Insurance (by specialisations) 
13. Catering 
14. Floristics 
15. Tourism 
16. Electrification and automation of agriculture. 
Such specialties as cynology, fire safety, insurance, land manage-

ment are especially popular. The average term of study is three years. 

You can find our junior students in the classrooms of the new build-

ing, allotted specifically for students of SVE. Today it is perhaps the best 
youth place at the university! 




The faculty of biotechnologies and veterinary medicine was orga-

nized in the Urupinsk Institute in 1944 and it is one of the oldest education-
al centres in the field of animal husbandry in Russia. 

The Faculty includes 6 departments, for example Chemistry, Anato-

my and Physiology of farm animals, Feeding and Breeding of farm ani-
mals, Private Animal Husbandry, Obsterics and Therapy, Infectious diseas-
es and Veterinary Sanitary Examination. 

There is a Museum of Pathologies where you can see scientific bio-

logical exhibits as well as pathological specimens. 

The faculty has its own practice ground on the territory of the Universi-

ty, such as a vivarium, a horse riding hall and a veterinary clinic. Students also 
have the opportunity to have practice at some state and private farms. 

The faculty is one of the methodical and research centres. Besides, a 

meteorology centre is functioning here. 

At present, the Faculty enrolls about 2.000 students and trains them 

in speciality of animal scientists (or zoo engineers), veterinarian and veteri-
nary sanitary experts, aquaculturists. Also the Faculty trains students in 
cynology, poultry breeding, beekeeping, aquaculture etc.  


1. Give the plural of the following nouns: 
foot, mouse, mink, deer, calf, tooth, child, fish, wife, hoof , goose, ox, 

sheep, swine 

2. Use "am", "are", "is". 
1. I ... a first-year student.  
2. My friend ... an engineer.  
3. Jack ... a farmer. He ... from a small Scottish town.  
4. They ... our new friends. They ... from Wales.  
5. My father ... a school teacher. He  ...  55 years old.   
6. Ann and Nick  ... at home now.  
7. My native town ... in the center of England.  
8. Monkeys ... very funny animals.  
9. It... a dog. It's name ... Spot. Spot ... very friendly.  
10. Mr. Davidson ... a University professor. He ... a very intelligent man. 

His hobby ... rugby. His students ... very happy to have such a good teacher. 

3. Use "have" or "has". 
1. We ... a lot of pets at home.  
2. She ... a lovely kitten.  
3. They ... a large family.  
4. My friend ... a new car.  
5. This animal ... four legs and a long tail.  
6. I ... two cousins, an aunt and an uncle. 


4. Use "have" or "be" in the right form. 
A.1. They ... a baby. It ... very nice.  
2. She ... 30 years old and ... a family of her own.  
3. What country ... you from?  
4. The Browns ... a very big house. It... in the suburbs of Bath. The 

house ... three floors.  

5. Cats ... domestic animals.  
6. They ... different kinds of birds on their farm.  
7. We ... glad to meet you.  
8. We ... from Russia and we ...a lot of friends in other countries.  
9. Rob ... a very strong boy. His hobby ... sports.  
10. They ... a lot of pets at home and they ... fond of them all. 
B. My name ... Simon. I... fourteen and I live in Wotton, a little vil-

lage near Woodstock. I ... two sisters: one is six months old and the other ... 
seventeen. We also ... two dogs, two cats, two rabbits, and a horse. My Dad 
works on a building site and my Mum ... a housewife. 

С Britain ... a nation of animal lovers. There ... about five million dogs, 

almost as many cats, over three million cage-birds, aquarium fish, and one 
million "exotic" pets, such as reptiles and amphibians. But it ... America 
which ... the largest pet population in the world - 90 million dogs and cats. 

D. THE CAMEL In some parts of the world there ... large deserts. 

There ... no trees and no water there. The only animal that can walk 
through the desert ... the camel. The camel ... very big. It... got one or two 
lumps on its back, short ears and a long tail. The camel's food ... grass and 
branches of trees. 


5. Use "is" or "are". 
A. 1. There ... a small garden in front of our home.  
2. There ... a lot of wild animals in the taiga.  
3. There ... five sheep and a cow on their farm.  
4. There ... a book and a notebook on the desk.  
5. There ... a computer, a TV set and a hi-fi in my room.  
6. There ... twenty four students in our group.  
7. There ... a lot of snow in winter.  
8. There ... some money in my bag. 
B. A national park ... a large piece of land. In the park animals ... free 

to come and go. There ... trees and plants everywhere. There ... 
campgrounds in national parks where people can enjoy nature. There ... 
tents for people to sleep in and campfires to cook their food. There ... also 
many paths in the parks on which people can walk. 


6. Choose the right form of Tense (Present Simple/Present      


Mrs. Kay : Good Morning. 
Vet : Hello there, Mrs. Key. Who’s this? 
Mrs. Kay: I’m afraid he isn’t feeling/doesn’t feel at all well. 
Vet: Yeah ... He's very listless, isn't he? His coat looks/is looking ra-

ther dull. As far as I remember his coat usually is shining/shines.  

Mrs. Kay:   Yes, he is losing/loses hair by the handful and he gets/is 

getting these nasty scrabs all over. Look... 

Vet: Yes, I see. There's another one here. Hmm... Does he eat/is he 

eating properly now?  

Mrs. Kay:   Generally he is eating/eats very well. But he is eating/eats 

very little now. And he scratches/is scratching himself all the time. It's terrible. 

Vet: Yeah, I suspect it's some kind of allergy... 


7. Translate sentences into Russian. Choose the right form of 

Tense (Present Simple/Present Continues). 

1. Англичане любят работать в саду, и мы - не исключение, (no 


2. Сейчас там работает мама. 
3. Она наслаждается красотой сада, когда там расцветают цветы - 

они так прекрасно пахнут. 

4. На прошлой неделе пара птичек устроилась (settle) на дереве. 
5. Каждый год в нашем саду живет (nest) множество птиц. 
6. Мы ожидаем (expect) их в этом году. 
7. Сейчас птицы вьют (make) гнезда; мы наблюдаем за ними ча-

сами (for hours and hours). 

8. Бетти и Тим защищают их от кошек, вот почему они ставят 

здесь заграждения (barrier). 

9. Они с нетерпением ждут (look forward) того времени, когда 

родители будут кормить своих птенцов. 


8. Use the verbs in brackets in Present Simple. 
People (call) the camel "the ship of desert" that can carry a traveler 

from one place to another quickly and safely. The camel's humps (hold) fat, 
and it (give) the camel strength where it (have) not got food or water. 
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