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Analysis of cocoa processing systems and classifications of cocoa dryers

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Артикул: 472931.0002.99.0149
Analysis of cocoa processing systems and classifications of cocoa dryers / A. Chokhonelidze, Forgor Lempogo, W. Brown-Acquaye, George Essah Yaw Okai. - Текст : электронный // Интернет-журнал "Науковедение". - 2014. - №2 (21). - URL: https://znanium.com/catalog/product/518897 (дата обращения: 02.06.2024)
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Интернет-журнал «НАУКОВЕДЕНИЕ»
Выпуск 2, март – апрель 2014
Опубликовать статью в журнале - http://publ.naukovedenie.ru

Институт Государственного управления, 

права и инновационных технологий (ИГУПИТ)
Связаться с редакцией: publishing@naukovedenie.ru


http://naukovedenie.ru 130TAVN214

Alexander Chokhonelidze

Tver state technical university

Russia, Tver

E-Mail: а444595@pochtа.ru

Forgor Lempogo

Tver state technical university

Russia, Tver

E-Mail: forlempo@yahoo.co.nz

William Brown-Acquaye
Tver state technical university

Russia, Tver

E-Mail: wbrownacquaye@hotmail.com

George Essah Yaw Okai
Tver state technical university

Russia, Tver

E-Mail: kingsoviet1@yahoo.co.uk

Analysis of cocoa processing systems and classifications of 

cocoa dryers

Abstract: The processing of cocoa involves a couple of technological processes such as 

roasting and drying which consume lots of energy. The ever increasing cost of energy has created 
the need for continuous optimization of the technological processes to minimize their operational 
cost. The selection of the appropriate equipment for each process is the first step to optimize the 
entire process. In recent times, drying technologies have evolved and have become more diverse 
and complex. Also, there is the need to meet stricter quality specifications, higher production rates, 
higher energy costs and stringent environmental regulations. As a result, selecting the right dryer for 
the right product has become an increasingly difficult task. In this paper, we attempted to describe 
the technological stages of cocoa processing and classified the various types of dryers available for 
the various stages of cocoa processing. This is important because the engineers responsible for the 
selection of a drying system need to be informed on the available equipment on the market, what 
the key criteria are in the selection process and thus arrive at alternative possibilities before a choice 
is made.

Keywords: Сocoa; drying; roasting; dryers; classification; value chain; processing.

Identification number of article 130TAVN214